Happy Birthday, T Vic
Teacher Vic is like Professor Dumbledore.
At certain situations he would act totally like him. Here's a cool fact about him in his teaching -at-college days: he used to be a strict teacher but when he taught in Builders, it totally changed the way he was. And to be completely honest, if I didn't meet this "Professor", my life would not be so interesting because of his genius teachings. Whenever you need help, he'll always be there for you like what he did for me. And as a graduating student, I hope he'll keep on teaching until he passes away. ~ Bobby Salapantan
Read more about Teacher Vic here.
About the author:
Lucas Ligot finally got his Builders' Cup...and on his graduation day. We were all looking forward to this moment.
Lucas is a funny and a caring person. when you're feeling down, he always finds a way to cheer you up no matter what. he's that kind of person who always has your back when he supports you. sometimes he can go too far when making people laugh and ends up being not funny at all. even when he does this, his mood doesn't change. before, i remember when he first came to builders', he speaks a little Filipino, but now, he can do it fluently. ~ by Rhein