The Builders' School
...building ideas, crafting solutions
What does it mean to DO SCIENCE?
Science in the primary grades involves helping children develop basic scientific ideas and understanding, which will enable them to explore and investigate their world. In, practical investigation, children’s natural curiosity is channelled and they are equipped with the strategies and processes to develop scientific ideas and concepts. 'Doing Science' involves the development of two types of understanding: conceptual understanding and procedural understanding.
Children’s conceptual understanding is concerned with the development of scientific knowledge and with their deepening understanding of fundamental scientific ideas. The four strands of our science program are Living Things, Materials, Energy and Forces, and Environmental awareness and care.
Knowledge of the scientific process, often referred to as procedural understanding, allow children to engage in scientific inquiry. It is a procedural model of how scientists work and includes statements of the various component skills that contribute to this methodology.
Children’s conceptual understanding and their procedural understanding are not developed independently: pupils’ understanding and application of the scientific process enable them to construct and refine their own framework of fundamental ideas and concepts in science.
Our Science program is based on an integration of various general curriculum outcomes set by in the National Scienced Education Standards and Pan-Canadian Common Framework of Science Learning Outcomes K to 12.